Following in the Footsteps of the Avos

By Rabbi Mendel Senderovic, Shlit”a
Rosh Kollel

The Torah introduces the Akeidah, Avraham Avinu’s final test, with the phrase “ויהי אחר הדברים האלה” – “And it happened following these things”. What things is the Torah referring to? Rashi quotes Chazal that the Akeidah was a follow-up to two conversations that had previously occurred.

One was a conversation between Hashem and the Satan. The Satan, in an attempt to downplay Avraham’s loyalty to Hashem, complained that after Hashem had granted Avraham a son at the age of one hundred, Avraham had made a great feast, and not sacrificed even one offering for Hashem. Hashem replied: “The entire feast that Avraham made was solely for the sake of his newborn son, Yitzchak. If I were to request of him to offer up Yitzchak as a sacrifice to me, he would surely do so.” It was after this exchange that Hashem chose to test Avraham.

The second conversation was between Yitzchak and Yishmael. Yishmael claimed that since he consented to be circumcised at the age of thirteen, he was far greater than Yitzchak, who was circumcised as an eight-day old infant. Yitzchak replied: “You gave up only one part of your body for the sake of Hashem. If Hashem would ask me to give up my entire being for His sake, I would gladly do so.” Hashem then tested Yitzchak to see if indeed his actions would conform to his words.

The Akeidah had a dual purpose. It was the ultimate sacrifice, countering the Satan’s complaint, and also the ultimate Bris Milah, to negate Yishmael’s argument. The merit of Avraham and Yitzchak’s standing up to the test would continue to bring salvation to their children throughout the generations.

When the time came for Hashem to redeem the B’nai Yisrael from their servitude in Mitzrayim, He commanded them to perform two Mitzvos – the sacrifice of the Korban Pesach, and the Mitzvah of Bris Milah.

It is not coincidental that the Mitzvos that B’nai Yisrael were commanded to do were to actualize the intentions of Avraham and Yitzchak at the Akeidah – an animal sacrifice in accordance with Avraham’s “sacrifice”, and Bris Milah in accordance with Yitzchak’s “Bris”. For us to benefit from the merit of our Avos, it is not enough that we are merely their progeny. We must show that we wish to emulate their deeds.

Chazal tell us חייב אדם לומר מתי יגיעו מעשי למעשי אבותי אברהם יצחק ויעקב – One is obligated to say “When will my actions reach those of my forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.” We need to follow in their footsteps. Certainly, it is true that their level is lightyears ahead of ours. However, it is likewise true that we have no idea as to what levels we can attain.

As long as we don’t put limits on what we expect from ourselves, and we aim for the ultimate, we will merit the Divine assistance to reach our full potential.


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