For over 30 years, the Milwaukee Kollel has embodied the vision of Harav Michel Twerski, Shlit”a, providing a space for Torah learning at every level. Here, accomplished scholars and beginners alike grow together, celebrating their milestones and building a united Torah community. The Kollel brings people together over Torah study, fostering connections that strengthen our kehilla.

As we enter 5785, we are excited to launch the Tomchei Torah Monthly Giving Society, a crucial initiative that will provide a needed income stream for the Kollel’s learning and teaching. Rooted in the Yissachar-Zevulun tradition, this society allows supporters to partner with our Avreichim as they dedicate themselves to Torah study.

By joining, you ensure the continuity of Torah learning in our community and share in the merit of this holy work for yourself and your family.

The Tomchei Torah Giving Society

  • Baruch Hashem, the Kollel has experienced significant growth over the past two years, providing needed teaching to our growing community. Our Kollel currently has 11 Avreichim—men who have dedicated their lives to the study and teaching of Torah—led by our Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Mendy Stern. Through shiurim, chavrusas, and communal outreach, they foster a love of Torah that touches Jews of all ages and backgrounds.

    Now, more than ever, we need to ensure that Torah learning in our community has an ongoing base of support. You can make that happen through your membership in the Tomchei Torah Monthly Giving Society.

  • We are excited to launch the Tomchei Torah Society with two founding levels, offering a streamlined way to join and make an impact. This intentional approach allows us to focus on building a strong foundation, with plans to introduce additional opportunities as the initiative evolves.

    1. Friends of the Rebbe - $18 Monthly / $216 Annually

    2. Tomchei Torah Sponsor/Supporter - $100 Monthly / $1200 Annually

    Click here to join now.

  • Recognition for All Members: Donors are welcomed in our digital and print newsletters, on our giving society honor scroll, and recognized in our annual Pesach publication.

    Additional Perk for Tomchei Torah Supporters: Tomchei Torah Supporters are also added to the Rebbe’s personal davening list.

  • In Moshe Rabeinu’s end-of-life blessing to the tribes of Yissachar and Zevulun, he says: “Rejoice, Zevulun, in your departure, and Yissachar, in your tents.” Rashi explains this verse (based on the Midrash): “Zevulun and Yissachar entered into a partnership. Zevulun would dwell at the seashore and go out in ships, to trade and make profit. He would thereby provide food for Yissachar, who would, in turn, sit and occupy themselves with the study of Torah.”
    Rashi continues: “Consequently, Moshe mentioned Zevulun before Yissachar [even though the latter was the elder of the two], because Yissachar’s Torah came through [the provisions provided by] Zevulun.”

    The Midrash concludes with the statement: “This is the meaning of the verse, ‘[The Torah] is a tree of life to those that support it.’” That is, the Torah not only gives life to those who study it, but also to those who support those who study it.
    Rema(Glosses to Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah 246:1.) writes that when one supports someone else who is studying Torah, “it is considered as if he had studied himself. And a person may make a condition with his friend that [his friend] will study Torah and he will provide him with a livelihood, and they will then both receive the rewards . . .”

Join the Tomchei Torah Giving Society

We are excited to launch the Tomchei Torah Society with two founding levels, offering a streamlined way to join and make an impact. This intentional approach allows us to focus on building a strong foundation, with plans to introduce additional giving opportunities.

Friends of
the Rebbe

Minimum gift of
$18 Monthly
or $216 Annually

Tomchei Torah Supporter

Minimum gift of
$100 Monthly
or $1200 Annually

For one-time gifts, please click here: 
Support Torah

Thank you to our Founding Members:

Rabbi and Mrs. Yerachmiel Anton - R' Baruch Aplebaum - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Appel - Dr. and Mrs. Mendel and Elisheva Appel - Aria Healthcare Management - Anonymous - Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchas Avruch - Dr. and Mrs. Shlomo and Helen Baruch - Labish E. Becker - Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Belin - Mr. Fred Berkovits - Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berman - Rabbi and Mrs. Aryeh Borsuk - Mr. and Mrs. Alan Borsuk - Mr. Yakov Brachfeld - Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid and Miriam Brafman - Mr. Coby Brandman - Rabbi and Mrs. Elly Broch - Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Denise Brody - Rabbi and Mrs. Zev and Sara Nechama Brody - Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Chesner - Jeremy Cohn - Michael Dintenfass - Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi Eckhardt - Mr. and Mrs. Shloimy Einhorn - Ms. Marian Trudy Farber - Carolyn Fortowsky - Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Fox - Rabbi and Mrs. Eric P Frank - Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frank - Mr. and Mrs. Noah Frank - Rabbi and Mrs. Yehoshua Frank - Mr. Leibish Frankel - Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva Freilich - Yisroel Freilich - Mr. Yisroel Avigdor Ganzweig - Rabbi and Mrs. Ezra Gewirtz - Ms. Devorah Gross - Mrs. Phyllis Gross - Mr. and Mrs. Jared & Karla Harris - Mr. and Mrs. Shloimy and Estie Heifetz - Rabbi and Mrs. Daniel Hyman - Mr. and Mrs. Scott Israel - Mr. and Mrs. Tzuriel Kastel - Dr. and Mrs. Ari Kaz - Mr. and Mrs. Eli Klein - Mr. and Mrs. Gerardo Krisztal - Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lakritz - Mr. and Mrs. Chaim and Meira Lampert - Mr. Mordechai Volvie Landau - Mr. Yosef Lange - Rabbi and Mrs. Melech Lensky - Mr. Paul Levine - Ryan Lockhart - Ronald Mandell - Rabbi and Mrs. Yissochor Dov Merling - Benjamin Miller - Mr. Baruch Pinsky - Mr. Shaul Pinsky - Samuel Prager - Mr. Joshua Richman - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubin - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rubovits - Mr. and Mrs. Joel Saltzman - Mr. and Mrs. Yosef and Marni Scott - Rafi Shenk - Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Singer - Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Singer - Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Sklar - Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Stern - Mr. and Mrs. Max and Irina Stesel - Mr. Daniel Strashun - Rabbi and Rebbetzin Chaim and Blimie Twerski - Mordecai Twerski - Mrs. Bas Sheva Twerski - Rabbi and Rebbetzin Benzion Twerski - Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Yisroel Twerski - Mr. Burech Yosef Wachsman - Nathan D Weiss - Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Yarmush - Rabbi and Mrs. Avadyahu Zaitschek