Parshas Vayechi: Something is “Fishy” about this Beracha
Rabbi Elie Starr
In this week’s parsha, Yaakov Avinu blesses his grandchildren with a unique beracha. We, the children of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov have been blessed by being compared to the dust, the sand, and the stars. However, Yaakov blesses Efraim and Menashe, that they should multiply like the fish-v’yidgu l’rov. Why did Yaakov Avinu choose the fish, and why now?
Many commentaries, including Rashi, have given answers to this question. I would like to share an explanation that I heard from my father, zt”l in the name of my Zaide, Rav Zelig Starr, zt”l. What is special about a fish? How do fish differ from other animals in halacha? An animal or bird, even if they are of the kosher type, may become forbidden if found to possess a mortal defect (tereifus) or due to improper shechitah. A fish, however, is unique in that if it is of the kosher type it remains kosher. It cannot become treif and does not require shechitah.
Similarly, our forefather Avraham was the father of Yitzchak, but also the father of Yishmael. Our forefather Yitzchak was the father of Yaakov, but also of Eisav Harasha. In contrast, Yaakov’s 12 sons were all tzaddikim and complete. Hence, Bnei Yisroel are now compared to fish in that if you are born a Yid, you are forever a Yid.
I would like to add a point. One might ask why specifically did Yaakov Avinu give this beracha to Yosef’s children rather than to his other descendants? A possible answer might be based on Rav Eisemann’s (who was a Mashgiach at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel) description of Yosef HaTzaddik’s role in ensuring our continuation as a nation. He notes that in Yaakov’s beracha to Yosef he refers to Yosef as “Even Yisroel”, literally “the rock of Israel.” Rashi notes that אבן-stone- is a conjugation of Av U’Ben (אב ובן), father and son. This means that Yosef was like a father and a son. How so? Rav Eisemann says that Yosef was a quasi Av (father): an addendum to his father’s role. Yaakov’s role was to be the Av of Galus-father of exile, ensuring that we, his children, would function and thrive as Yidden even in exile. Yaakov did this by overcoming the challenges posed by Lavan and Eisav while away from his parents’ home. The concern still remained that perhaps we would, heaven forbid, be swallowed in exile by intermarriage. This was Yosef’s role. By overcoming the challenges of living spiritually alone in Egypt, the capital of promiscuity, and withstanding the test of Potifar’s wife, Yosef ensured that there would be a nation, a Bnei Yisroel, to be taken out of exile. Therefore, it was appropriate for Yaakov to give this beracha, comparing Yisroel to fish, specifically to Yosef’s children. May klal Yisroel live up to this beracha and be zoche to the final geulah b’mheira b’yameinu.