Last, But Certainly Not Least, A Chat with Jim Goldman
Hakol: Jim, thanks for talking with Hakol.
Jim: It’s my pleasure.
H: It’s been said that you spend more time at the Kollel than some of the Kollel members. What makes you decide to spend so much time at the Kollel?
J: When I’m here, I can just feel the Achdus. We are all one, and the love that comes from every single person here is just unbelievable. I also love that everyone here is always willing to learn with me.
That’s why Covid was really hard for me. I missed feeling everyone’s love. There was a time before things opened back up completely, that only Kollel members were allowed to be in the Kollel building. I tried to tell the Rosh Kollel that I am a member of the Kollel! But that took a while.
H: A lot of your time is spent with Rabbi Yaakov Israel, in his morning shiur. What can you tell us about that?
J: One word: Exciting. Rabbi Israel’s excitement makes everyone else excited! I try to keep him from screaming, but as the shiur goes on, his passion builds, and there’s just no holding him back! And that is Rabbi Israel!
One other thing about Rabbi Israel’s shiur. We had been learning Maseches Sotah, and we finished and made a siyum during Covid, via Zoom. What’s amazing is that now, Daf Yomi is doing Sotah, and I’m getting to learn it again!
H: That must be such a special feeling. Thanks for being here, and thanks for the hugs!